воскресенье, 19 ноября 2017 г.

Post N93

Purpose of writing about graphs. 
Сегодня пост про то, какие цели мы преследуем, когда описываем diagrams в IELTS Task I. 

Для того, чтобы лучше разобраться с целями, я выкладываю небольшую диаграму, после которой прописаны три возможных варианта ответа. Один из них самым лучшим образом выполняет свою основную задачу, а другие два не дотягивают по нескольким аспектам.

Как вы думаете, какой из трех представленных вариантов самый оптимальный с точки зрения purpose of writing?

a) This graph shows the average annual urban growth rate of 5 continents from 1970 to 2025. According to the graph, Africa had about 5% average annual urban growth rate in 1970 and over 4% average annual urban growth rate in 1995 and in 2025 the average annual urban growth rate is expected to be just over 3%. For Asia, the average annual urban growth rate was just over 3% in 1970 and 1995, and it was expected to be about 2% in 2025. In Europe, by contrast, the average annual urban growth rate was only about 1.5% in 1970 and it went down to about 0.5% in 1995, and in 2025 it will be less than 0.2%. In Latin America, the average annual
urban growth rate went from just under 4% in 1970 to just over 2% in 1995, and it will probably be just over 1% in 2025. In North America, the average annual urban growth rate was about 1% in 1970 and 1995 and is expected to stay the same in 2025.

b) Looking at the graph, we can see that urban growth has happened on all 5 continents since 1970 and that it is expected to continue right up to 2025. The most dramatic growth is in Africa, Asia and Latin America because these continents have experienced the most development in industrialization since 1970, while Europe and North America show less increase probably because they already started being more urbanized. In developing countries, many people from the countryside are attracted to the cities to look for work and better opportunities in health and education, but this rapid urbanization is causing many problems and needs to be controlled.

c) The graph shows that since 1970 there has been considerable urban growth in all 5 continents presented and that this trend is expected to continue at least until 2025. However, the rate for each continent has not been the same. The developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America experienced the most dramatic growth rates in 1975, with Africa having around 5% per annum, Latin America just over 4% and Asia over 3%. In 1995, these rates decreased to just over 4% in Africa and down to about 2% for Latin America, but Asia remained the same. This growth rate is expected to decrease by about 1% for all three continents but the year 2025.
Meanwhile, North America is expected to maintain its growth rate of 1% p.a. over the entire period, while Europe, having started the period at about 1.5% growth rate, is expected to reduce this to only about 0.2% by 2025.

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